Question Ethics
- Then God said, "Let the earth bring forth all kinds of living creatures: cattle, creeping things, and wild animals of all kinds." And so it happened
Playing with biological factors is a constant concern and challenge towards religious values. Despite the label given to this method as 'art' it's hard not to debate the social ethics of these rituals. My personal view on this is that I don't approve of playing god by any means and that doing it for the sake of creating a piece for a mere art collection. Strictly speaking from a non-religious persepctive I would still classify this as morally incorrect because I think of this as 'cheating life'. The world we live in today is so curious and persistently searching for answers to questions. This is rather dangerous because the mysteries of life are sometimes better off untouched. With the technological advances swiftly growing to incredible numbers, more and more we see the threat amongst society. Manipulation. That's all it is, tampering with living things for the sake of advancement in knowledge. Knowledge is power, and the world is clearly powerhungry.
Biotechnology is the fusion of biology and technology through the power of science. I don't think it's worth tampering with our ecology to suit our needs. Things are the way they are because they were made that way. When you change one thing it causes a chain reaction and everything that relies on that one thing becomes manipulated and changes. We may find short term gain in these kinds of things but a lot of the long term effects are simply not worth enduring for.