Thursday, November 30, 2006

Wii will, Wii will, Rock you.

So begins the next generation of gaming with the introduction of the PLAYSTATION 3 and Nintendo Wii. Microsoft surprised the industry with an early head start by releasing their console last year around the same time. A new wave of technology and a new era of gaming. Generally the video game industry has been rather linear by only introducing more power. It's safe to say there hasn't been much innovation in control mechanics in console gaming. This year, Nintendo has challenged the consumer to play in a whole new way and they were willing to sacrifice technology for a new form of entertainment. Sony and Microsoft have stuck to the generic routine of cramming the highest end gear together to provide the most up to date gaming power. So let's compare sales figures as of December 20, 2006:

XBOX 360: 8 804 6233
493 042
Nintendo Wii: 1 849 720

With the holiday season in full effect it looks like the Nintendo Wii is well on it's way to dominating the industry at just one month old, selling almost 2 million before the new year. Microsoft managed to secure their head start by releasing a year ahead of the competition but it wasn't till recently that they began earning profit because of material fees, as opposed to the Nintendo Wii which has been making nearly $100 USD profit per system. And I haven't said anything about Sony because quite frankly this generation is not about Sony. Yes the leader of last generation has turned in to the Miami Heat (if you don't watch basketball this means they went from champ to chump with just one season's time) of this generation. With their supposed to be "revolutionary and edgy" commercials that are absolute nonsense to anyone with a brain and their ripped off gimmicks, Six-Axis anyone? It's clear the consumer is not buying into the hype any more. Without the Sony fan base it's hard to believe the PS3 is going anywhere this time around. The real story here is the Nintendo's drive back to dominance with the Nintendo DS and Wii. The new Zelda alone is worth the price of admission and although alot of games have yet to put a revolutionary use to the motion control, Wario Ware is just around the corner and is sure to be the party hit of 2007. It's obvious that Nintendo has put in the effort to make up for their horrible attempts last year, GameCube? More like LameCube! Right!?

It comes down to power vs. utility. If you had a huge rock that's great but you're not going to do anything constructive with that rock. I'd rather have a hammer!

Buy into the hype.
Nintendo Wii is legit.